Which premises are obliged to have an adapted toilet?

ayudas a la movilidad

In general terms, and depending on the legislation of each country, whenever toilets or changing rooms are required, there shall be at least one accessible toilet for every 10 units or fraction thereof of installed toilets, which may be shared by both sexes.

Adapted toilets for public use located in small premises

Since the aim is to facilitate non-discriminatory, independent and safe access to and use of accessible toilets for persons with disabilities, in small premises, i.e. premises whose public use area does not exceed 100 m2 and whose public occupancy does not exceed 50 persons, alternative solutions may be considered, for example:

  • Shared-use venue toilets. For example, a single accessible toilet for both sexes, a single accessible toilet for each sex, one accessible toilet for each sex, etc.
  • In premises located in shopping centres, sufficiency of accessible toilets located in the common areas of the shopping centre, provided that the distance from the premises to the accessible toilets is moderate.

Mirrors with frame



Mirrors with frame



Shower seats

Folding seat


What happens in highly specialised buildings?

In the case of certain highly specialised buildings, such as sports venues and facilities, hospitals, nursing homes, etc., accessibility features are defined by specific national regulations according to their activity.

Characteristics that an adapted toilet must have

  • Accessible toilet.
  • To be connected to an accessible route.
  • Turning space with a diameter of at least 1.50 m free of obstacles.
  • Doors that swing outwards or sliding doors.
  • Support bars, mechanisms and accessories that are chromatically differentiated from the surroundings.

What recomendations must the elements of adapted bathrooms comply with?

We will go through each of these elements and give recommendations for their installation:

Accessible sanitary fixtures

  • Washbasin: It must have a free space below for people in wheelchairs, as well as not having a pedestal.
  • Toilet: The lateral transfer space must be approximately 80cm wide to allow for mobility.
  • Shower: Recommended lateral transfer space width of 80 cm next to the seat. The floor should be flush with the drainage slope.
  • Urinal: Where there are more than 5 units, one unit should be installed lower than the others.

Support bars

  • Must be easy to grasp and separate from the wall.
  • Fixing and support: Support the weight of one person, approximately 1 kN of force in any direction.
  • For toilets: One horizontal bar on each side.
  • In showers: On the seat side, horizontal support bars on the perimeter of at least two corner walls and a vertical bar on the wall.

Folding bars

Folding bar with leg


Folding bars

Folding bar


Folding bars

Standing folding bar


Aluminum Nylon

Folding bar

Aluminum Nylon

Standing folding Bar

Mechanisms and accessories

  • Pressure or lever-operated flushing mechanisms with large-area pushbuttons.
  • Automatic taps fitted with a presence detection system or manual single-lever taps with an elongated gerontological type lever.
  • Mirror: Positioned at a lower height than the rest and that can be tilted forwards.

Mirrors with frame



Mirrors with frame



We have everything you need to equip an adapted bathroom.

At Simex we have a wide range of products to equip bathrooms adapted for people with reduced mobility. For this, one of our proposals is the Trevi solution, with products made of high-strength stainless steel and coated with white epoxy paint. And we also offer you the Alhambra solution for an adapted bathroom with products made of high-strength stainless steel with a satin finish.

Both solutions are easy to use and install, and everything is approved according to current regulations. Among the products we offer for adapted bathrooms are: shower chairs, reclining mirrors, washbasin sets, grab bars and toilets.

You can also consult the complete catalogue of technical aids and grab bars here.

Other articles in this blog about adapted bathrooms

At Simex we are totally committed to accessibility, and that is why we have already dedicated two other publications in this blog to this issue.

On the one hand, on 14 June 2022 we published “How to make the bathroom an accessible space”, where we highlighted the following elements that guarantee accessibility: signage, access, interior dimensions, flooring and chromatic contrast.  In addition, we also explained which are the sanitary equipment of technical aids to mobility: shower, bathtub, toilet, grab bars, washbasin, mirror, accessories and lighting.

On the other hand, on 5 October 2022 we published “Mobility aids in the bathroom”, where we talked extensively about the different types of mobility aids that exist: grab bars, washbasins, mirrors with reclining frames and shower seats.

Contact with us 

If you want to place an order, have any questions or need more information about any of our products, please contact us, we look forward to hearing from you!