Water fountain: a key element for a healthy workspace

Health is the most important thing and, therefore, we must take care of it in everything in our hands throughout the day, without neglecting it while we work in the office. A very easy way to contribute to this is to drink water during the working day to stay properly hydrated. This undoubtedly has great benefits for our health and general wellbeing.

The best reason to take breaks at work

It is just as important to drink water as it is to take breaks during the working day. So what better way to combine the two. Often we are so focused on the tasks we are performing in the office that we forget to take the recommended breaks, so that we are unconsciously damaging our health, since spending many hours sitting at the computer can end up having serious consequences in the medium and long term. To avoid this sedentary lifestyle, some studies even say that the best thing to do is to move every 30 minutes.

Considering the multiple benefits of drinking water, a perfect reason to get up from your chair is to go to the office drinking fountain.

Why is it good to drink water?

There is no doubt that water is the healthiest and most recommended beverage, for multiple reasons, including the following:

  • It relieves fatigue: The body uses water to eliminate toxins and waste products it does not need. Thus, when there is less water, the heart has to work harder to pump oxygenated blood, and this can cause fatigue.
  • Prevents headaches and migraines: proper hydration will prevent these types of conditions, often caused by dehydration, among other reasons.
  • Improves digestion: Drinking water helps the digestive system to function properly.
  • Hydrates the skin: Water regulates body temperature, replenishes skin tissues, hydrates the skin and increases its elasticity.
  • Strengthens the immune system: Being hydrated generates a healthy and hydrated mucosa that acts as a barrier against viruses, which will find it harder to enter a body with a dry and irritated mucosa.

Advantages of having a water fountain in the office

In addition to all the general benefits of drinking water, there are other specific benefits if we do it in the office, at a water fountain, during the workday. Here are some of them:

  • It stimulates brain activity and, therefore, workers’ concentration.
  • It helps to take a break from work, as we have already mentioned, which helps to relieve stress.
  • Increased performance: With regular consumption of water people may be able to have better concentration and can stay active during their working day.
  • Motivation of workers: This is a service that has no cost for workers, and this is always a plus for them to be satisfied with their employers.
  • Water bottles are avoided: It can be very tedious to have to carry water bottles to replenish them every time they run out; with water fountains, water will be available for consumption at all times.
  • Improved work environment: As with the coffee machine, for example, a water fountain can also become a meeting point, however brief, with colleagues to engage in a conversation that helps to strengthen personal relationships.
  • Greater convenience: workers will not have to worry about bringing their bottle from home to the office or buying one when they are thirsty.

How much water to drink per day?

As a theory, many of us have internalized that to keep our body sufficiently hydrated it is necessary to drink eight glasses of water a day, that is, between one and a half and two a day, but the truth is that the recommended amount varies depending on different factors. For example, the amount of water a woman and a man need is not the same: the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine have determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is as follows: approximately 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids per day for men, and approximately 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids per day for women. This includes fluids from water, other beverages and food.

However, it is also important to note that most healthy people can stay hydrated by drinking fluids when they feel thirsty. And this sensation, as well as the needs of each person to achieve optimal hydration, will also vary depending on other factors, which are detailed below:

  • Exercise: if any activity that causes sweating is performed, it will be necessary to drink additional water to compensate for this fluid loss. Keep in mind that it is very important to drink water before, during and after exercise.
  • Environment: Hot climates make you sweat and also make you drink more fluids to prevent dehydration.
  • State of health: When you are sick and have a fever, vomiting or diarrhea, your body loses fluids. In these cases it is essential to drink more water and follow medical recommendations.
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding: When a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding, she needs more fluids to stay hydrated.

Our water fountains

In Simex we have three models of water fountains: the first two indoor, and the third for outdoor use, but all of them with high performance, consumption and efficiency.

Stainless steel pedal water fountain – 25L/H (Reference 09016): This water fountain has pedal and manual spout, includes internal filters, has an internal temperature regulating thermostat and is made of AISI 304 stainless steel with glossy finish. In addition, it has an ambient temperature of 30ºC; inlet temperature, 20ºC; and outlet temperature, 10ºC. Its cooling capacity is 25l/h between 6ºC and 10ºC.


Inox water fountain – 25 L/H (Reference 09001): This water fountain has a gooseneck and manual spout, has internal filters, has an internal temperature regulating thermostat and is made of AISI 304 stainless steel with a shiny finish. In addition, it has an ambient temperature of 30ºC; inlet temperature, 20ºC; and outlet temperature, 10ºC. Its cooling capacity is 25l/h between 6ºC and 10ºC (spare parts available).

Outdoor water cooler (Reference 09009): This outdoor water cooler is installed on the mains, with a base embedded in the ground and a screwed body. It has no cooling capacity, and its material is AISI 304 stainless steel with glossy finish.


EXTERIOR Water dispenser


Other articles in this blog about water fountains

Last June 7, 2022 we published the article “Everything you need to know for a correct operation of indoor water fountains”, where we explained extensively everything you need to know about indoor water fountains; and especially how to perform a correct maintenance to keep the water as clean as possible.

Also, in another article, “Water fountains for offices”, dated March 11, 2022, we talked about the advantages of installing an indoor water fountain in the office.

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If you want to place an order, have any questions or need more information about any of our products, please contact us, we are waiting for you!